Friday, 24 October 2014

Learning Beyond the Classroom

At Ascensia Academy, students are offered the opportunity to learn outside the boundaries of the classroom.  In August, the Government School Preparatory Course teachers took their students to the library to show them the vast collection of books and knowledge available to them there. Of course, this was hardly restricted to the younger students. Our O-Level Juniors also received the chance to learn outside their classroom with a trip to the National Museum and the National Library in early October.

Outside of the library visits, our students will also get the chance to experience learning on the go with our upcoming Learning Journey to Fort Canning in October. Do keep an eye on this blog for more news on the Fort Canning trip! 

Police Talk on Crime Prevention

The Singapore Police Force gave our students an engaging talk on crime prevention on 21st October. The talk covered topics such as staying safe, denying would-be thieves an opportunity to commit crimes, and other important information such as contraband items in Singapore.

Our students found the talk very informative and interesting, and are now certainly more aware of ways to keep themselves from becoming victims of crime. 

O Level Graduation

On 17th October, our O-Level Seniors graduated from Ascensia Academy!  Students and staff celebrated the occasion with a sumptuous Peranakan buffet full of tasty food.

Certificates and awards were handed out to the winners, who are as follows:

Top O-Level Student: Tran Kim Thao Nguyen

FOCUS Award – Faith: Teng Siyuan, Huang Yafen

FOCUS Award – Caring: Huang Yafen, Chen Yujing

Ascensia wishes our graduating students the very best for their O-Level examinations, and hopes that they will soar to greater heights in the future! 

Ascensia Academy Celebrates Teachers' Day

Our students honoured the hard work their teachers put in with their own class celebrations for their form teachers. Students gave their teachers hand-crafted cards and had small class parties, with some classes going the extra mile to show their appreciation by making their own gifts and even presented personalised videos for their teachers.

Fire Drill

On 15th August, the school conducted an evacuation exercise for staff and students to raise awareness of the proper procedures during an emergency. Ascensia’s students participated wholeheartedly in the fire drill and reacted to the situation well, despite the fact that some of them were taking part in a fire drill for the first time. Well done, students! 

Friday, 10 October 2014

Term 3 Competition Winners

Two competitions were held over the course of Term 3: the Cleanest Classroom Competition and the Best Noticeboard Competition.

Both competitions aimed to get students to take pride in and care for their learning environment by keeping their classrooms clean and neat. The students also showed class unity by personalising their noticeboards and decorating it with their own class work and photographs.

The winners of the competitions are as follows:

Cleanest Classroom Competition: Secondary 1A and Primary 2/3

Best Noticeboard Competition: Secondary 2B and Secondary 3B

Congratulations to all the winners!